Monday, May 27, 2013


My aim is to follow Jesus - to learn, live, love and serve as Jesus did...and invite others to do the same.

You probably read this at the top of my blog.  If you did, one of those items porbably stood out among the rest.  Most people I think would get the live, love and serve like Jesus, but what about learn?

I am indebted to Bill Hull ( for this idea.

When Jesus was hear, he learned to operate within his finite world after laying down his right to his infinite state of being as Lord of the Universe.  Hebrews 5:8 tells us, "Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered."  Jesus learned a whole new way of relying on His father.  

So it is my aim to imitate Christ.  I am not just trying to imitate Him in what He did, but also to imitate Him in character and style.  I want to be like Him in how He learned so that I might also learn well. 

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